The best way to see the world is by foot!
I go to see with my own eyes and I walk slowly to observe nature.
From this concept is born “vadoevedo” a sustainable way to explore the area, to meet people and to stay in good company.
My name is Michele Colombini and I am a Natura and Walking Guide, qualified under LR Tuscany 42/2000. I organize and I lead tours and trekking trips, even of several days, wine and food excursions, riding tours, naturalistic and sustainable trips.
Monte Pisano is always a discovery, a charming and magical place, just a few steps from the towns of Pisa and Lucca. It looks like a terrace overlooking Tuscany, surrounded by the plain, the sea, the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines and the Apuan Alps. A place where paths and rocks have stories to tell, with a lush and spectacular flora, and a breathtaking view.
My love for the mountains and for the outdoors began at the age of 8 years, with enrollment in the Scouts Section C.N.G.E.I. of Pisa. During the following 14 years of Scouting, I have refined the hiking and survival techniques and increased my interest in nature.
I especially love high mountains, climbing up over the peaks where the view dominates the skyline. The Apuan Alps and the Alps of our beautiful country have been my training area during years of exciting excursions. I like to travel (above all: backpacking trips) which are also inner journeys, which allow you to discover the essence of the places, of the culture and of the natural surroundings.
The fascination for artificial cavities also approached me to spelaeology, allowing me to discover a new world in the Apuan Alps. I like not only to explore nature but also to photograph it and live it in its essence; so in addition to photography I also practice techniques of meditation and Reiki of the first level.
Whether you want to make a simple excursion or a real trekking I am ready to help you discover, in safety, all the wonders of the world.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature’s peace will flow into you
as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop off
like falling leaves“
John Muir
“Camminare per me significa entrare nella natura.
Ed è per questo che cammino lentamente, non corro quasi mai.
La Natura per me non è un campo da ginnastica.
Io vado per vedere, per sentire, con tutti i miei sensi.
Così il mio spirito entra negli alberi, nel prato, nei fiori.
Le alte montagne sono per me un sentimento”Reinhold Messner